About Us

JIMMY ROBERTSON'S experience in the equine auction business began decades ago with the now legendary sales conducted by his father Jim B. Robertson. In 1993, Jimmy personally handled the dispersal of Foxfire Stud, Inc., which was one of the most successful private equine dispersals. Today, he and his wife Helen own and operate Infinity Stables in Simponsville, Ky., where they breed, train and sell American Saddlebreds, Hackneys and Standardbred roadster show horses, and instruct riders/drivers (often second- and third-generation Robertson clients).
In 2010, the Robertsons coordinated several breeds' presentations at the hugely successful World Equestrian Games held at the Kentucky Horse Park in Lexington. A few weeks later, they led the United States’ Three-Gaited team to the World Cup’s gold medal. An abundance of communication and planning ensure these well-coordinated events were successful — and that's exactly what consignors and bidders can expect from Robertson Equine Sales LLC's upcoming online auctions.
In 2012, Jimmy and Helen organized Robertson Equine Sales LLC, hosting two popular equine auctions per year (spring and autumn). Quickly, these events became known as "The Sale." Held at the historic and convenient Shelby County Fair Grounds, in Shelbyville, Kentucky, the Robertsons' sales are strongly promoted, well-organized, enjoyable auction events that routinely draw attendees from all over the U.S. and from Canada — and they're always conducted with the warm hospitality and friendly nature that Jimmy & Helen are known for. Continuously seeking to develop more ways to return value to consignors and purchasers, the Robertsons lead the sales market with online and digital channels — in addition to furnishing traditional, high-quality printed catalogs — that provide multiple ways for prospective buyers to participate. From breeding farm production sales, to show farm dispersals, to UPHA Classics-nominated offerings, and much more, you'll find the show horse stock you're looking for at one of our sales.
In 2020, Jimmy and Helen were honored with the UPHA Larry Bacon Lifetime Achievement Award and the ASHA Lifetime Achievement Award, recognizing their immense body of work on behalf of the show horse industry and the people who enjoy it.
In 2021, Jimmy was inducted into the American Road Horse & Pony Association's Hall of Fame, during a center-ring ceremony on Thursday evening during Kentucky State Fair World's Championship Horse Show. And, he was selected for induction into the Devon Horse Show & Country Fair's Devon Legends, as part of the prestigious horse show's 125th anniversary. (Yes, we're a little proud of him!)
Partnered with Jimmy's decades of "horseman's friend" equine sales experience, HELEN ROBERTSON employs her web-diva and organizational skills to receive and edit your entries, list your horses online with photos and video, gather and publish the horse's pedigree and show records, coordinate e-mail blasts, and monitor the online auction activity. Afterward, it's Helen who handles the billing and consignors' payments, and much more. In addition to her lifetime of experience as a trainer, instructor, and association leader in the show horse industry, her passion for helping horse people and the causes they care about enables her to put her wide network of resources to work for you. Helen has been honored several times with industry awards for her creative philanthropic and horsemanship participation-building programs.
Together, Jimmy & Helen bring a perfect blend of skills, experience, and dedication to each consignor or purchaser. Learn more about Jimmy & Helen's unparalleled experience with the show horse industry: